Hem Spotlight: Jordan Searles, GGS & ProNatal Certified Pre/Postnatal Personal Trainer
A huge part of our mission at Hem Support Wear is to normalize the conversation about pelvic floor health and build a community of support. Many people who experience prolapse or other pelvic floor conditions feel confused, isolated, or hopeless, and we believe it shouldn’t be that way.
Welcome to another installment of our series Hem Spotlight, where we feature real people and their pelvic floor health stories. Our hope is that by providing a platform for people to openly share their journeys, we will all feel less alone, more connected, and more empowered.
The following story comes from Jordan Searles, GGS & ProNatal Certified Pre/Postnatal Personal Trainer. And be sure to check out our conversation with her about pelvic health and strengthening your body for the demands of pregnancy, labor and postpartum recovery.

Tell us about your experience with POP. You are welcome to share as much or as little of your story as you are comfortable with.
A little over a year and a half ago I gave birth to my first child. I had a not too bad labor, lasting 15 hours start to finish and needing an epidural about 5 hours in. Pushing & delivery went great, lasting 1 hour and barely any tearing (1 stitch). Of course everything felt inflamed, swollen, weird, off, awful etc. those first few days and weeks of postpartum. But when it came to my six-week check up, I just had a weird feeling that something still wasn't right. I didn't know how to explain it, but everything felt really swollen still. My provider said everything looked good, healed well, and I had 3 finger Diastasis. I asked about pelvic floor physical therapy and she dismissed my request by saying that we should wait until something is wrong with me (incontinence, pain during sex, etc) and then go to PT.
Ugh eye roll...
So a day later I lied and said I had painful intercourse so they would write a prescription for my PT. It was my pelvic floor physical therapist (PFPT) that discovered my grade 1 / 2 prolapse and educated me about it. I literally didn't even know this existed and that this could happen to people. As relieved as I was hearing that the symptoms I was feeling weren't "normal" and they were validated, I was absolutely shocked, terrified, and anxious about my postpartum recovery.
Very, very long story short, after going through physical therapy for 8 months and seeing countless other doctors (rectal, GI, and UROGYN), 20 months later I feel back to 95% "myself" and very confidently symptom free - I'd say 98% of the time now.
Do you have any advice or words of comfort/encouragement/hope you’d like to give someone who may be at the beginning of their POP journey?
This is not the end of your exercise journey, it's just a road block you'll learn to slowly chip away at with the help of your healthcare providers and support team. Find ones who you truly trust, who you feel will actually listen to you, and who support hearing your concerns. Looking back at it, I now have such a better understanding and connection with my body, as well as a massive amount of respect. A woman's body is truly an incredible thing.

What are your favorite pelvic health resources (online, in person, etc.) if you have any?
I went to Jag One Physical therapy (some specialize in pelvic floor therapy, some don't) but next time I'd like to use a connection I made. Her name is Tulsi Shah and she's a mobile PFPT who actually travels to your home for sessions as well as offers some virtual consultations too.
Dr. Margo K (@postpartup_pop_pt on Instagram) is one of the best accounts I've found and super supportive. She posts great content and relatable stuff.
Also, Dr. Carrie Pagliano on IG is great too! She responds to DMs and questions!
How can we, as the Hem Support Wear community, be a source of support and connection for you or someone else?
Continue doing what you're doing! I already signed up for the Clinic Sample Kit for healthcare providers (free pair of Hem Support undies) and business card dispenser.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

Interested in sharing your POP/pelvic health story as part of our series? We’d be honored! Submit your story here.