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Why Recommend Hem Support Wear's Garments?

Pelvic floor support garments are an important tool for people with conditions like pelvic organ prolapse. They help complement recovery activities and help people feel more comfortable and like themselves while they navigate their pelvic health journey. Most garments on the market today do not fully meet people's needs. Hem Support Wear is changing that and this short video tells you how.

Your patients deserve something better, and Hem Support Wear is on a mission to provide it.

We hope you will be part of the movement to provide your patients a better choice when it comes pelvic floor support.

Ready to get started?

How Your Clients and Patients May Feel

Hem Support Wear's pelvic floor support garments can make a significant difference in how your patients feel while they are wearing the garment.

When people wear Hem Support Wear's pelvic floor support garments, they say things like:

We design pelvic floor support garments that women will want to wear.

Our patent-pending support hammock provides targeted gentle compression to provide our signature uplifting feeling, which helps mitigate symptoms while wearing the garment. 

Our garments have a flattering fit and are made with high performance fabrics to ensure people will want to wear it.

They have high cut leg openings to better fit different body shapes and not dig into legs.

They are designed like underwear so people can wear them daily and discreetly under their clothes. 

We have two styles (curvy and straight) and nine sizes to choose from. That is 18 options which ensures your patient is going to find the best fit.

Our Stance on Affiliate Marketing

We do not pay for affiliate marketing. We want everyone to know that when someone is telling them about Hem Support Wear, and referring our garments, it is because they believe in the garment and not because they have been paid to say so. It is important that people trust Hem Support Wear with an important part of their pelvic health journey.

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